Shango Feast Day 2023

Center for Black & Indigenous Praxis

Center for Black & Indigenous Praxis

Where the power of scholarship meets the wisdom of lived experience. Where the work of knowing meets the work of doing. 

The Center for Black & Indigenous Praxis represents a profound recognition that the wisdom of our traditions holds intrinsic value for navigating the complex challenges of today's world. It provides space for self-discovery, communal evolution and collective resilience, where our heritage enriches the path to wellness, reminding us that our wisdom and ancestral practices are vital threads in the fabric of a more equitable world.

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Our Director

Meet Dr. Preston Vargas, whose bold vision includes nothing less than "a future where the fusion of academic rigor and ancestral wisdom leads to meaningful societal transformations."

Flowers for the Center of Black and Indigenous Praxis

Why We Need CBIP

Hear Dr. Duran speak on healing the soul wound:

“There is a major deficit in Black and Indigenous praxis, and we need more visibility of our scholar-practitioners to change the paradigm. I believe that CIIS can lead the path toward cultural responsiveness in higher education, with the ultimate goal of healing the collective—and the world’s soul.”

Dr. Eduardo Duran, Psychologist and Author

I am thrilled that the Center for Black and Indigenous Praxis will make visible the brilliance of our community of scholars. The concept of community-based praxis—bringing together knowledge and practice—is essential. The Center will expand on CIIS’ longstanding history of integral scholarship.

Dr. Kathy Littles, CIIS Provost


Founder Adeeba Deterville, Ph.D. 

DDEI and all of CIIS honors the work of Dr. Deterville, founder of both the Black Psychology Project and CBIP. Her groundbreaking research on Sankofa Praxis provided the imaginal space necessary to envision the Center, and her guiding strength brought it into being.