Celebrating CIIS' flourishing community

Beloved Community

Be Well, Do Well. Flourishing — in your studies and in life — requires attending to the whole person. Discover how CIIS helps you to build embodied resilience and wellness.

CIIS sees belonging and flourishing as sacred to integral learning. With 56 countries represented in our community, we embrace the diversity of backgrounds and identities each person brings and continuously reflect on our inclusion practices. Our work to improve how we respect and integrate each other’s differences is never over, and always evolving.

Wildchoir singing at CIIS Commencement

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Many diverse stories make up the single community at CIIS. We welcome the contributions of all people and celebrate the psychological, cultural, experiential, and spiritual differences in each of us, which makes a richer world for us all.

Drumming circle group

Student Groups

CIIS is home to a variety of student-led groups whose missions reflect a diverse field of interests, from astrology to Latina scholarship to expressive arts.