Practicum FAQ
What is practicum?
Practicum is the required clinical fieldwork portion of your Master’s of Counseling Psychology (MCP) degree for both the Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and Professional Clinical Counselor (PCC) licensure tracks. This is where you have the opportunity to put what you have been learning into practice. You will be weaving together the theoretical and the practical to create your practicum experience. While in practicum in graduate school, you will be considered an MFT and/or PCC trainee.
How long does practicum last?
Practicum typically lasts for 9-12 months, or 2-3 semesters, depending on your MCP program concentration and practicum site.
How much time should I expect to spend in my practicum weekly?
While this will vary by site, a Trainee can reasonably expect to spend an average of 20 hours per week engaged in practicum. These 20 hours consist of direct client counseling, supervision, training, and administrative tasks.
What is the relationship between the academic component and the fieldwork component?
Practicum at CIIS comprises 6 academic units and concurrent supervised direct client fieldwork hours. These come together by enrolling in and successfully completing practicum.
Where can I go to learn more about this process?
The MCP Field Placement office has many resources for you to learn more about the Practicum Process. All actively enrolled MCP students have access to the Practicum Canvas course every semester. The MCP Field Placement SharePoint page also holds resources and information relevant to the practicum process. Finally, the Field Placement office holds weekly drop-in office hours by Zoom. Please visit the MCP Field Placement SharePoint page for the Zoom link.