CIIS’ senior administrators embody and uplift our Seven Commitments, honor our history and traditions, and engage with the community to shape a shared vision for the University’s future.
The University’s leadership consists of the Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership, and the President's Cabinet. The Executive Leadership and Cabinet serve as advisory boards to the President on matters of strategic importance and on issues as requested by the President.
Eight Presidents have served CIIS since its founding in 1968, beginning with Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri to Dr. S. Brock Blomberg, CIIS’ current president.
Executive Leadership
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Leadership
Finance and Accounting
Board of Trustees
Executive Leadership
Office of the President
Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Executive Leadership
Vice President of External Relations
Board of Trustees
Executive Leadership
Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
Executive Leadership
Human Resources
President’s Cabinet
Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, Accreditation Liaison Officer
Office of the Provost
President’s Cabinet
Transformative Inquiry
President’s Cabinet
School of Consciousness and Transformation
Dean of Information Technology
Information Technology
Office of the Provost
President’s Cabinet
Blue Sky Leaders
Interdisciplinary Arts
President’s Cabinet
School of Consciousness and Transformation
Dean of Faculty Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Office of the Provost
President’s Cabinet
Director of Campus Experience and Events
Office of Campus Experience & Events
President’s Cabinet
Public Programs
Creative Director
Office of Strategic Communications & Relations
President’s Cabinet
Board of Trustees Liaison
Office of the President
President’s Cabinet
Executive Director of Admissions
Admissions & Financial Aid
President’s Cabinet
President's Special Assistant & Chief of Staff, Office of Strategic Communications and Relations
Blue Sky Leaders
Office of Strategic Communications & Relations
Office of the President
President’s Cabinet