An Evening With Jessica Lanyadoo and Sonya Shah

Understanding Resilience and Belonging Through Family Constellations
A Workshop With Suzi Tucker
Please Note: This workshop was originally scheduled for October 15–16 and was postponed to support Suzi's health. It has been rescheduled and will now be held on December 9–10.
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Two-Day Online Workshop, Three Hours Per Day
The philosophy of Family Constellations, a process developed by Bert Helliger, centers on the exploration of belonging as it impacts everyday life. As children we belong to our first family—whatever shape it took and whatever we needed to do to ensure survival. The intergenerational lens of Family Constellations widens this understanding to show the ways in which we belong, not only to the family of origin, but to their belonging as it was acquired through the generations.
Through the philosophy and process of Family Constellations, we begin to identify the systemic traumas that reverberate in current life—the hidden entanglements, loyalties, and patterns that hold us back even as we seek to move forward. In this work, these powerful additional streams that so often get lost in the haze of collective and individual despair often emerge, as well as the power of intergenerational resilience.
Join Family Constellations facilitator and co-founder of The Bert Hellinger Institute, Suzi Tucker, for an expansive and healing workshop exploring ways to identify and release some of the entanglements we have with previous generations so that we can become more available to ourselves and to our loved ones. Suzi guides participants in full-group exercises, written reflection, and other constellation encounters to reveal the ways in which the struggles of our parents or caregivers may have been displaced onto us, causing us to enter, upon birth, a hidden trauma bond.
Through group exercises, reflective writing, inner imaging, and light lecture, participants tap into the resilience of the ancestors while honoring their struggles, release inherited resentment and regret, and establish a deeper well-spring of current resources. Learn to harness the generativity and optimism of our forebears and take your place and reclaim life-force. Discover the freedom of no longer waiting for others to change in order for you to move forward.
Suzi invites participants to take advantage of shared curiosity, collaboration, and confluence to discover new ground. Together we will uncover the places where agency was lost and begin to re-envision a fresh relationship with the past so we can more freely orient ourselves to the future.

Suzi Tucker is co-founder of Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Publishers (publishing in the behavioral sciences) with Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD. In 2000, she co-founded The Bert Hellinger Institute, USA, LLC, under the direction of Bert Hellinger, which offers education and supervision for students and facilitators of Family Constellations.
As a presenter, teacher, and facilitator, she currently serves on the guest faculty of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. She has been privileged to serve on the guest faculties of The Open Center in NYC, The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, the Shift Network’s Ancestral Healing Summit, Union College, New York University, among many others.
Suzi is the author of Gather Enough Fireflies and is an essayist and a contributor to numerous publications in the fields of psychology and well-being. She teaches courses for constellation facilitators and two ongoing writing studios. She regularly presents Experiential Conversations, an ongoing online series focusing on important life themes, and has a weekly essay series called “Reflections on the Ordinary Miraculous,” which is offered by subscription through Suzi's website.
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Recording Policy
Portions of this workshop will be recorded, and limited access to a recording will be made available to those who attend the live event.
Refund Policy
Tickets are fully refundable up to 7 days prior to the event start. Within 7 days of the event, credit may be available. No refunds or credits are available within 24 hours of the event start. Read our full refund policy at