As part of CIIS’ Integrative Health Studies master’s curriculum, graduates also earn three Certificates in Transformative Imagery, Patient Navigation, and Integrative Health Coaching. These specialized trainings provide graduates with a multifaceted knowledge base and additional edge to set them apart in the field.
The Transformative Imagery Certificate
Guided imagery is a gentle process of accessing clarity by exploring images that arise naturally from within. A compelling and extensive body of research connected to the field of psychoneuroimmunology has shown that our mind’s conscious and unconscious images have a direct impact on our physiology. Students who complete the course will be ready to assist clients in gaining these health benefits.
Patient Navigation Certificate
The American healthcare system is a complex web of healthcare providers, insurance companies, and third parties that can cause added stress to patients already coping with stressful diagnoses and conditions. The Patient Navigation Certificate provides health coaches with specialized training to help patients obtain clinical and community services, understand and obtain maximum benefits from third party payers and affordable care exchanges, navigate the confusing and fragmented U.S. healthcare system, and more.
Integrative Health Coaching Certificate
All graduates of Integrative Health are awarded this certificate upon completion of the coaching competencies and earning a Master of Arts in Integrative Health Studies. The certificate attests to the graduate’s theoretical and practical skills in the art and science of health coaching, and to their ability to design, implement, and evaluate wellness programs for individuals and organizations.