Sasha Bainer, an East-West Psychology student, provides us with insights into their firsthand experience of Auroville.

Student Presents at CREGS Summer Institute on Sexuality
Elisabeth Bolaza, Human Sexuality Ph.D. student, presented on Oppressing Birth: A Discussion of Systematic Violence and Denial of Rights
Elisabeth Bolaza, an advanced student in the Human Sexuality Ph.D. program, was accepted to present at San Francisco State University's CREGS Summer Institute on Sexuality, June 5-9.
The theme of this year's summer institute is Women's Sexual Health & Wellness, and Ms. Bolaza's talk is a perfect fit.
The talk, Oppressing Birth: A Discussion of Systematic Violence and Denial of Rights, discusses the history of birth care and birth advocacy with special attention paid to reproductive justice movements. A facilitated discussion will explore reproductive justice and what birth means for social justice aims.
Ms. Bolaza earned her master's in public health from UC Berkeley, and her bachelor's in biology from UCLA. She brings to sexuality studies her background in molecular biological research, clinical research, street-level sex education, and clinical sexual health counseling.
She recently served as the ACLU's reproductive justice intern, studying the advocacy responsible for the California Healthy Youth Act of 2015.
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