Grade Scale
Undergraduate and Graduate Grade Scale
The Institute uses a four-point scale to calculate a grade point average (GPA). Grade point values are assigned as follows:
These are University grade indications. Departments and programs have indications that are stricter than these. For instance, a B, not a B-, may be required to pass a course. Consult the program handbook.
Grades Not Included in the GPA
The following CIIS grades have no quality point value and are not used in the calculation of the GPA:
* “NP” or “NS” is equivalent to “C-” or lower for undergraduate students; “B-” or lower for graduate students.
**“P” is equivalent to “C” (not “C-”) or higher for undergraduate students; “B” (not “B-”) or higher for graduate students. Only CIIS courses are used to compute the GPA, not courses transferred in from other schools.
The following grades are considered unsatisfactory grades for academic probation purposes: B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, NP, AW, I, IN, and NS. (B-, C+, and C are excluded for undergraduate students.)