Shawn Mendez
Associate Professor
Human Sexuality
School of Consciousness and Transformation
Pronouns: they/she
Email: smendez@ciis.edu
Phone: 828-571-0338
Research Interests
socialization practices in families ally identity development parenting anti-LGBTQ bias and discrimination queer theory critical feminist praxis anti-racist, anti-transphobic, anti-heterosexist organizing and activism
Shawn's goal as an academic is to create and disseminate knowledge that improves the lives of marginalized people, particularly queer and trans people of color. They are an Associate Professor in the Human Sexuality PhD program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. They received their PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). They are committed to creating brave learning spaces, and believe in education as a path to justice. Shawn's research program uses queer theories and mixed methods to analyze the ways that race, sexuality, gender, class and other social locations are interrelated, negotiated, and context dependent. In their scholarly work, Shawn is interested in what and how people learn about socially constructed hierarchies, how that knowledge relates to power structures, and how even well-meaning folks have beliefs and behaviors that contribute to marginalization and discrimination. Their research combines queer studies, family studies, and critical race studies with an explicitly intersectional lens that interrogates power structures based on sexuality, gender identity, race, and class (among others).
PhD in Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Master’s in Human and Community Development from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bachelor’s in Psychology and Spanish from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Awards & Distinctions
my paper Hegemonic Heteronormativity: Toward a New Era of Queer Family Theory (2018) was recognized as one of the top 20 most read papers of the 2017-2018 year by the Journal of Family Theory & Review (JFTR); 2016 Jesse Bernard Outstanding Research Proposal from a Feminist Perspective, National Council on Family Relations; 2016 Catalyst Award, LGBT Resource Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign;
Sexual, Gender, and Reproductive Rights; Gender and Queer Theory; Methodology I; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Mendez, S.N. (2020). Queer socialization: A case study of mixed-race lesbian, gay, and queer (LGQ) parent families. The Social Science Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2020.1727240 Mendez, S.N. (2020). Racial Socialization in Black and Mixed-Race Lesbian, Gay, and Queer (LGQ) Parent Families. In A. James (Ed.) Black Families: A Systems Approach. Cognella Academic Press. https://titles.cognella.com/black-families-9781516524402 Allen, S. & Mendez, S.N. (2018). Hegemonic heteronormativity: Toward a new era of queer family theory. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 10, 70-86. https://doi.org/10.1111/jftr.12241 Ferguson, G. M., Tran, S., Mendez, S. N., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2018). Remote acculturation: Conceptualization, measurement, and implications for health outcomes. In S. J. Schwartz, & J. B. Unger (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Acculturation and Health. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190215217.001.0001 Mendez, S.N., Holman, E.G., Oswald, R.F., & Izenstark, D. (2016). Minority stress in the context of rural economic hardship: One lesbian mother’s story. Journal of GBLT Family Studies. 0(0), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/1550428X.2015.1099493 Izenstark, D., Oswald, R.F., Holman, E.G., Mendez, S.N., & Greder, K.A. (2016). Rural, low-income mothers’ use of family based nature activities to promote family health. Journal of Leisure Research, 48(2), 134-155. https://doi.org/10.18666/jlr-2016-v48-i2-6409