Jocelyn Chapman
Our People

Jocelyn Chapman


Transformative Inquiry

President’s Cabinet

School of Consciousness and Transformation


Phone: 415-575-6288

Research Interests

Systems thinking as a catalyst for personal and social change; learning conversations in online education; and education reform, including reform of teacher thinking


Jocelyn Chapman, Ph.D., is Director of the Transformative Inquiry Department. She is a transdisciplinarian whose diverse background includes many years following the Grateful Dead while earning a B.A. in Environmental Studies and later earning a B.S. in Computer Science. She graduated with the first Transformative Leadership cohort in 2006, then went on to earn her Ph.D. in Transformative Studies. Jocelyn’s theoretical dissertation, “Teaching into the heart of knowing in online education: aesthetics & pragmatics” involved research across many disciplines and schools of thought to develop a transdisciplinary model of how online education can be designed for and practiced to foster complex, creative thinking and to change the education system that shapes thinking. She is an active board member for the American Society for Cybernetics and co-organized their 2020 conference, Global Conversations.


Creating Futures Award, Transdisciplinary Research & Leadership Conference. Boulder, Colorado, 2024

2023 Annual Presidential Service Distinction Awards, Honorable Mention, Faculty

Teacher of the Millennium Award for “commitment to embodying the highest quality student-centered, constructivist learning: for teaching into the Heart of Knowing.” Designed by students of the Creative Systemic Studies doctoral program, University of Louisiana at Monroe. Presented May, 2015.

Norbert Wiener Award for article titled “The pragmatics and aesthetics of knowing: Implications for online education” published in Kybernetes and selected by the journal’s editorial team as Outstanding Paper of 2013.


Ph.D. Transformative Studies, CIIS

M.A. Transformative Leadership, CIIS

B.S. Computer Science, with distinction, Sonoma State University

B.A. Environmental Studies, education emphasis, Sonoma State University



Chapman, J. (2020). For the love of cybernetics: Personal narratives by cyberneticians (Editor). Routledge.

Guest Editor

Herr, C. M., & Chapman, J. (2021). Global conversations on cybernetics. Technoetic Arts 19 (1):3-6.

Chapman, J., Herr, C., and Sweeting, B. (2020). Guest Editorial: Cybernetic Frameworks for a Shared World. Kybernetes, 49 (9).

Chapman, J. (2019). Why Cybernetics? Why Love?. World Futures, 75,(1-2), 1-4.


Chapman, J. (2021). Reflections on the Design and Practice of a Cybernetic(s) Conference. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 28(1-2), 111-117.

Chapman, J. (2019). Transformative Leadership and the Unapologetic Leader. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 12(2), 18.

Chapman, J. (2019). Living and Loving Cybernetics. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, 75(1-2), 92-100.

Chapman, J. & McClendon, K. (2018). What's Love Got to Do with Higher Education? How Teaching into the Heart of Knowing Can Foster Compassionate Action. Human Science Perspectives, 2 (1).

Chapman, J. & R. Guerra (2016). Exploiting opportunities for transformative learning in remedial math education. In Nicolaides, A. & Holt, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of Engaging at the Intersections: XII International Transformative Learning Conference (pp. 695-700). Tacoma, Washington: Pacific Lutheran University.

Chapman, J. (2013). The pragmatics and aesthetics of knowing: Implications for education, Kybernetes, 42(8), 1166-1180.

Chapman, J. (2013). A brief overview of entailment meshes and thoughts on their service to ThSh. A white paper for General Cybernetics, Inc., a software protocol company in New York, NY.

Chapman, J. & L. Ehmann (2012). “Becoming ‘We’ with Brad Keeney. Trojan horses: A rattle bag from the “Cybernetics: Art, Design, Mathematics—A Meta-Disciplinary Conversation” post-conference workshop. R. Glanville, et al. Vienna, Wien.

Book Reviews

Chapman, J. (2017). Journeys in Complexity: Autobiographical Accounts by Leading Systems and Complexity Thinkers, Book Review. World Futures, 1-6.

Chapman, J. (2014). The enneagram of society: Healing the soul to heal the world, Book Review. World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, 70:2, 157-160.

Chapman, J. (2014). New thinking in complexity for the social sciences and humanities: A generative, transdisciplinary approach, Book Review. World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, 70:7, 464-467.


Chapman, J. (2010). Redwoods. Interdisciplinary Humanities, 27(1), 118.