Doris Bersing
Counseling Psychology
Integral Counseling Psychology
School of Professional Psychology and Health
Email: drbersing@dorisbersing.com
Phone: 877-824-5840
Research Interests
The epidemic of violence that trans* people, especially trans* people of color, especially Black trans* women face in the U.S. The social, cultural, and political mechanisms that have made trans* bodies abject and therefore hateable, maimable, and killable Achille Mbembe’s work on necropolitics and Julia Kristeva’s conception of abjection The liminal space that Black trans* women occupy, a space in society that is between meanings
Doris Bersing is a geriatric consultant, clinical psychologist, and professor, and acknowledged expert in the challenges associated with aging. She is often asked to speak about the intersection of feminism and ageism, as well as long-term care options for seniors who desire to live in their own homes. A mentor in spirit and action, Doris has devoted her life to bettering the lives of her clients, associates and students. She is often described as: knowledgeable, generous outspoken, compassionate and an agent of change.
Thirty years of dedication to others:
As a clinical psychologist, Doris has dedicated 30 years to teaching and providing clinical care for women, geriatric populations, and the terminally or mentally ill. As a geriatric consultant, she co-founded Living Well Assisted Living at Home, creating a new paradigm for seniors desiring to age in their own homes.
Prior to Living Well, Doris was Chief Executive Officer for The Pacific Institute, a non-profit corporation founded to promote individual and community wellness for seniors and mentally ill adults. As CEO, she led the design of their cutting-edge training program in Gero-psychology, which received regional accreditation. She also created a set of wellness programs for elders that won an award from the American Society on Aging.
Academic background:
Doris has been a faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies, Wright Institute, Berkeley and Saybrook University. At Saybrook, she was the Director of Clinical Training and designed their doctoral specialization in Gero-psychology.
After receiving her doctorate from L'Universite de Toulouse, in France, Doris served as Director of Programs and Care at L'hopital de Jour-Lefevbre. She speaks three languages fluently: English, Spanish and French. Because of her multilingual, multicultural background and international experience, Doris is able to work with and influence a wide range of individuals.
Doris currently serves as an expert witness for the U.S. Supreme Court in cases of political asylum, mental competency, and elder abuse. She is writing a book about feminism and ageism in the XXI century titled: Still a Chance for Older Women: from Crone to Mentor.
Master in Education
Master in Clinical Psychology
Master in Professional Counseling
PhD in Clinical Psychology
Awards & Distinctions
Cum Laude PhD EldershipAward American Society on Aging Family Law and Professional Ethics
Aging and Long Term Care
Comparative Study between Personalization and Gestalt (Book) http://sisbiv.bnv.gob.ve/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=264176
Self-Esteem for Women: Reality or Utopia (Book) https://www.urbe.edu/UDWLibrary/InfoBook.do?id=3030