Constance A Jones
Transformative Inquiry
School of Consciousness and Transformation
Pronouns: She/Her
Email: cjones@ciis.edu
Phone: 510-655-6775
Research Interests
New Religious Movements, Self-Inquiry, Eastern Contemplative Traditions, Spiritual Teachers, Meeting of East and West in Intellectual History, Western Esotericism, J. Krishnamurti, G.I. Gurdjieff
Constance A. Jones, Ph.D. is a sociologist of religion who joined CIIS in 1994, having taught at several colleges and theology schools. Beginning with her doctoral dissertation on the caste system in India, she has pursued a long interest in the cultures and religions of the East, including the adoption of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and practices in the West. She researches spiritual teachers as well as the evolution of new religious movements around the world.
Throughout her career in higher education, she has helped establish women’s studies departments and curricula in several colleges and has published research on women’s status in India and feminist methods.
She has been a member of a multidisciplinary team of scholars that investigates new religious movements around the world and has published articles on movements that are based on Eastern religious belief and practice.
At present, Constance has a book, Krishnamurti: Self-Inquiry, Awakening, and Transformation, in press with Cambridge University Press. In this volume she outlines the life and teaching of the enigmatic 20th century philosopher and teacher J. Krishnamurti.
She serves in scholarly positions with the Gurdjieff Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man (2017- present) Tbilisi, GEORGIA and the Publications Committee of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America (2018-present), Ojai, CA.
Ph.D. Emory University
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Graduate Theological Union, University of California Berkeley
M.A. Vanderbilt University
B.A. Vanderbilt University
Awards and Distinctions
Fulbright Scholar, Krishnamurti Research Center and Banares Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Visiting Scholar, Department of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Visiting Scholar, Program for the Study of New Religious Movements in America, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
"Highest Honors" awarded dissertation, Emory University
Public Health Service Fellow (National Institutes of Mental Health), Emory University
Ford Foundation Fellow, Vanderbilt University
J. Krishnamurti, Bohmian Dialogue, and Inquiry
Introduction to Eastern Systems of Contemplation
Self, Society, and Transformation
Qualitative Methodologies
Jones, Constance A. (2025). Krishnamurti: Self-Inquiry, Awakening, and Transformation. London: Cambridge University.
Jones, Constance A. (2007). Encyclopedia of Hinduism. With J.D. Ryan. New York: Facts-on-File Press.
Jones, Constance A. (2005). G.I. Gurdjieff e la sua eredita. [The Legacy of G.I. Gurdjieff]. Torino, Italy: Elli-Di-Ci Press.
Articles and Presentations
(complete list here)
Jones, Constance A. (2023) “The Experience of Joy” ReVision. Fall, 2023.
Jones, Constance A. (2022). “Gurdjieff as Integral Philosopher” in Proceedings of Gurdjieff International Conference III. Tbilisi: Rustaveli Theatre.
Jones, Constance A. (2022). “New Thought and its Famous Practitioner Terry Cole-Whittaker” in Spiritual Diversity in San Diego. San Diego State University. Forthcoming
Jones, Constance A. (2019). Gnostic Themes in the “Work” of Gurdjieff. 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA ISBN 978-9941-9165-3-3© SCF, ARI, GIT, 2019
Jones, Constance A. (2019). Translator and Moderator “Gurdjieff’s Psycho-Spirituality” 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA ISBN 978-9941-9165-3-3© SCF, ARI, GIT, 2019
Jones, Constance A. (2018). Gnostic Sensibilities in Gurdjieff’s “Work” in Garry Trompf, Jay Johnston and Gunner Mikkelsen (eds.) The Gnostic World. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge.
Jones, Constance A. (2017). Assistant Editor of J. G. Melton, J. Beverley, C. A. Jones, and P.S. Nadell, Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions. Ninth Edition. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Publishing.
Jones, Constance A. (2015) “Spiritism.” in Matt Cardin (ed.) Ghosts, Spirits, and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Pp. 300-303.
Jones, Constance A. (2015) “ Chapter 14: Techniqueless Meditation: J. Krishnamurti’s This Light in Oneself.” In Contemplative Literature: A Comparative Sourcebook on Meditation and Contemplative Prayer. L. Komjathy (Ed.). Albany, NY: SUNY. Pp. 645-702.
Jones, Constance A. (2022) “Gurdjieff as Integral Philosopher” Gurdjieff International Conference III: Gurdjieff, Steiner, Dalcroze, and Non-Traditional Practices in the Performing Arts. Tbilisi: Rustaveli Theatre. October 15, 2022.
Jones, Constance A. (2022) “New Thought and its Famous Practitioner Terry Cole-Whittaker” in Spiritual Diversity in San Diego Conferenece, San Diego State University. October 6, 2022.
Jones, Constance A. (2019) Gnostic Sensibilities in the “Work” of Gurdjieff. 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA
Jones, Constance A. (2019) Translator and Moderator “Gurdjieff’s Psycho-Spirituality” 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA
Jones, Constance A. (2019) Gnostic Sensibilities in the “Work” of Gurdjieff. 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA
Jones, Constance A. (2019) Translator and Moderator “Gurdjieff’s Psycho-Spirituality” 100 Year Anniversary of Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Tbilisi, GEORGIA
“Spiritism in the United States: A Developing Denomination” CESNUR annual meeting, Jerusalem, July, 2017.
Scholarly Positions
Assistant Editor of Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions for Eighth through Tenth editions, Gale Publishing
International Advisory Board, Gurdjieff Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man (2017- present) Tbilisi, GEORGIA
Publications Committee, Krishnamurti Foundation of America, (2018-present), Ojai, CA