An Online Conversation with Dr. Nick Walker and Chantel Taite

Numinous Earth: Ecopsychology at the Edge (In-Person)
An Academic Conference presented by the East-West Psychology Department
These tickets are for the In-Person version of this event. Buy tickets for the Online event here.
Numinous Earth: Ecopsychology at the Edge
The mounting polycrisis of our time-a cascade of deleterious impacts that endanger the viability of many life forms and whose disastrous trajectory seems on the rise-calls for creative reformulations of the role and meaning of the human amidst Earth's web. The field of Ecopsychology and associated schools are guided by the conviction that a paradigmatic shift in worldview and values is needed to better understand the locus of most social and ecological woes, the human psyche. An exploration of the numinous (i.e., "divine," "sacred") dimensions of the psyche and its relation to creation can deepen this understanding, pointing to the ethical implications of crafting more harmonious relations with ourselves and our planetary home.
An "Ecopsychology at the edge" endeavors not only to ameliorate the dissociative split between the human psyche and the rest of nature but provides an opportunity to ask deeper questions whose fertile, numinous ground may help us envision a way forward.
What is the role of Ecopsychology in this moment of urgency, as our Earth community stands before the edge of unraveling? What are the connections between psycho-spiritual transformation and world engagement? How might we foster psychologically-grounded, culturally-aware, and ecologically-sensitive sense of the sacred? How to best honor the role of indigenous voices in an ecopsychological context? How might we engage in an ensouled activism, one borne of conscious reflection and action?
Through a broad ecopsychological lens, the conference aims to celebrate a sense of numinosity in intimate connection to the Earth through four interconnected areas:
- Wild Cosmologies
- Psycho-spiritual Insights
- Ensouled Ecopsychological Activism
- Ecopsychology at the Edge
Conference Schedule
The conference will feature a combination of online and in-person keynotes, presentations, experiential sessions, and panels from experts in the field. Speakers include:
- Peter Kahn Jr., Editor-in-chief of Ecopsychology journal
- Will W. Adams, professor and author of A wild and sacred call
- Sophie Strand, celebrated poet and author
- Cathy Coleman, former CIIS dean and wife of the late Ralph Metzner
Detailed schedule to follow.
$0-$40 by donation.
Registration is required to attend in person and online, and grants access to the entire event.
Suggested donation is $40 for both days.
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