On Generation Care
Public Programs

On Generation Care

A Conversation With Jennifer N. Levin and Emily Marinelli

  • Online Conversation. Register to Access the Livestream and One Week of Ad-Free Replay Access 
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More than 10 million millennials are caring for aging parents before they've been able to fully launch their careers and consider starting their own families, and that's not including the incalculable numbers of people affected by long COVID. Yet no one is naming this problem, talking about how it feels, or offering resources to ease the pressure of millennial caregiver burnout.  

Writer and caregiver Jennifer N. Levin was 32 when her father was diagnosed with a rare degenerative illness. As she struggled with few resources and little support, she created Caregiver Collective, a national online support group for millennial caregivers.  

Join CIIS Assistant Professor in the Integral Counseling Psychology program Emily Marinelli in a conversation with Jennifer exploring our current culture of care and the impact it has on millennial caregivers. 

Jennifer shares insights from her latest book Generation Care, which offers wisdom from her own experience and her support group, Caregiver Collective. Jennifer details the urgency of caregiving, the financial burden for caregivers, and ambiguous loss caregivers experience. She also offers a roadmap to the types of solutions that can begin helping people now as well as build future policies.  

We, as a culture and society, talk about caregiving broadly—it’s something many of us may think, “not us” or “we’ll figure that out later.” But caregiving is an increasingly urgent crisis. Jennifer’s work brings this crisis to the fore, illuminates the real stories and people who are most affected, underscores the need for shifts in policy and allocating support where it is most needed, and sounds a clarion call for change. 

Jennifer N. Levin color portrait. Jennifer is standing with her arms crossed and she has brown medium-length hair and is wearing a jean top.

Jennifer N. Levin is the founder of Caregiver Collective—a Facebook group for millennial and Generation X family caregivers to share resources, support, and experiences—, and television and freelance writer. Her writing on cultural topics (including caregiving, mental health, and modern relationship issues between young adults and their parents) has appeared in the Washington Post, Berliner Zeitung (in English and with German translation), NJ.com, Thrive Global, LA Weekly (for which she was interviewed for KCRW Press Play), Refinery 29, and Bustle. Jennifer first wrote about her caregiving experience for Cosmopolitan, for which she’s been a guest on multiple podcasts discussing how caregiving differs for the millennial generation. She’s been interviewed on the topic by the Washington Post, Vox, and more, and was also featured by PBS NewsHour. Jennifer lives in Berlin, Germany.  


Emily (Em) Marinelli color portrait. Em is a white, gender queer - queer femme person. They are posed in front a neutral wall and are smiling. They are wearing cat-eye style glasses, and a dark-colored button-down with yellow laves and feather designs throughout.

Emily (Em) Marinelli (they/them) is a genderqueer and queer femme-identified Virgo, psychotherapist and professor. They are the author of Comfort Sequels: The Psychology of Movie Sequels from the 80s and 90s, which won First Place in both the Entertainment and LGBTQ+ categories at the BookFest Awards in 2024, and was given a five-star review in the Chicago Book Review. Their essays have appeared in Alan Squire Publishing Literary Journal, The Blue Rose magazine, Film Obsessive, and TV Obsessive, and they host the Twin Peaks Tattoo Podcast.  

Em is an Assistant Professor in the Integral Counseling Psychology program at California Institute of Integral Studies, teaches in the Trauma Prevention and Recovery Certificate at City College of San Francisco, and the Addiction Studies Certificate at Santa Rosa Junior College. In their private practice they specialize in working with trauma, addiction and recovery, adult children of alcoholic families, and with LGBTQ-plus and poly communities.

They are co-authoring a book on trauma healing and Twin Peaks (their favorite cult TV show) and they teach an elective on Twin Peaks and depth psychology at CIIS. When not immersed in Twin Peaks, they enjoy playing with their rescue dogs, singing with their sweetheart, and tap dancing. Follow them on Instagram @emsmarinelli and learn more about Em at their website

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Marcus Books is the nation’s oldest Black-owned independent bookstore celebrating its 60th year. Marcus Books’ mission is to provide opportunities for Black folks and their allies to celebrate and learn about Black people everywhere. Learn more about Marcus Books.


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Access to the livestream event is limited to registered guests. Registered ticket holders will receive the link to watch the livestream, will have access to chat and Q&A, and will have an ad-free watching experience.

Recording Policy

Ticket holders will have access to an ad-free replay of the event for one week after the live event. A replay with ads will be released on our YouTube channel one week after the livestream. Portions of the audio will also be released on our podcast. Only registered ticket holders who choose to watch live can participate in the chat and Q&A.

Refunding Policy

All tickets and donations for this event are nonrefundable.