Ancestral Healing Through EFT Tapping
Public Programs

Ancestral Healing Through EFT Tapping

A Workshop With Mirjam Madhuri Paninski

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6-Hour Online Workshop

Do you feel like you have been stuck with a pattern, an issue, or a fear that you cannot quite understand or explain? If you have ever felt blocked, isolated, numb, or frozen when it doesn’t make sense—as though your feelings aren’t fully your own—it’s quite possible that they aren’t.

The latest research affirms that trauma, limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and patterns are passed down through at least three generations. It’s also been affirmed that this emotional inheritance can have a significant impact on our psychological and physical well-being. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping has proven to be the most beneficial tool to access subconscious imprints and transfer them, making it possible to change the circuitry in our brains that is reproducing the traumatic sequence of our ancestry.

EFT Tapping is a self-help method based on cognitive therapy and acupressure, working with the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments. This technique, of tapping points on the body with your fingers, has been in use for over 5,000 years, harnessing the power of acupuncture without the invasiveness of needles.

Join EFT practitioner and trainer Mirjam Madhuri Paninski for a transformative experiential workshop on EFT tapping and how to practically apply this tool to release ancestral trauma in the body. Mirjam invites you to move through deep healing experiences in group tapping meditations and shares how to apply EFT techniques to improve your daily life. Learn the science behind epigenetics, ancestral, and generational trauma. Understand how to recognize ancestral trauma and how to remove any internal resistance to clearing generational trauma.

Drawing upon her training and experience facilitating diverse groups, Mirjam holds the intention to create a safe healing container for all participants, honoring the fact that both the implications of systemic racism and the experience of racial violence has created an intrinsic charge to generational trauma. Mirjam recognizes it is important to create awareness and acknowledge that workshops on ancestral healing have been, and can be, the grounds for both cultural exploitation and appropriation of Indigenous practices. By sharing the above intention and acknowledging an awareness of a fraught legacy, this workshop seeks to do better and be in better relationship.

Mirjam invites you to break free from generational blocks and experience the freedom of your highest potential.

Mirjam Paninski color portrait. Mirjam is a white woman with brown hair that ends at her shoulders. She is smiling and has her head tilted and rested on her right hand.

Mirjam Madhuri Paninski is Consciousness Program Director, EFT master, and a mentor and trainer for clinical certification students at EFT Universe. As a healing and clinical EFT practitioner, EFT trainer, mindfulness and meditation teacher, writer, and researcher she runs her own center, the Open Consciousness Institute.

Mirjam holds a master's degree from Brown University where she is completing her doctoral research and book project on perinatal trauma and narratives around pregnancy and birth with a special focus on BIWOC, their communities and narratives of slavery that are still deeply ingrained in the medical apparatus in the United States.

Her research has been deeply informed by the combination of mindfulness practices and therapeutic somatic techniques to work with complex trauma, generational healing, high levels of anxiety, and habitual patterns. She grew up meditating in ashrams and meditation centers around the world.

She has been faculty at various institutes, including the Omega Institute, CIIS, and various universities, including Brown University, Smith College, and the University of Vienna.

Her innermost purpose is to help clients to not just reach a point of deep peace, trust, freedom, and happiness, but a fundamental knowledge that their trauma has transformed from an inner demon into a boon, empowering them to become a universally connected, unconditionally loving and loved, empathic being with their own special superpowers.



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Portions of this workshop will be recorded, and limited access to a recording will be made available to all ticket buyers.

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