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Asian Contemplative and Transcultural Studies

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East-West Psychology M.A. Concentration

CIIS is known for being a pioneer in the field of Asian Contemplative and Transcultural Studies. This two-year online master's program teaches and researches the contemplative traditions, practices and experiences of South and East Asia as agents for change in the modern world.

The roots of this program situated within the East-West Psychology Department go back to 1968, when CIIS was founded. Originally, our school was called the California Institute of Asian Studies, and students there earned degrees in East-West comparative studies, focusing on philosophy, psychology, religion, and other fields.

Students of our program are offered the expertise and experience of our University’s 55-year history with the subject. Program highlights include:

  • A multifaceted interdisciplinary approach to Asian studies
  • Reflective and practical engagement with the contemplative traditions, practices and experiences of Asia
  • Program-specific scholarships (Michael and Gityjoon Hebel Scholarship, Cultural Integration Fellowship Integral Scholarships and the Rina Sircar Scholarship)
  • A Yoga Studies Certificate opportunity
  • An Immersive Learning Experience opportunity in Auroville, South India

Graduates from our program go on to work as educators, researchers, and writers, counselors and mental health professionals, artists and museum curators, community planners and activists, and cultural relation experts.

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graduate holding heart as accepting degree at graduation
Decorative image

About CIIS

California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) is an accredited university that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals, communities, and the earth. CIIS expands the boundaries of traditional degree programs with transdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and applied studies utilizing face-to-face, hybrid, and online pedagogical approaches. Offering a personal learning environment and supportive community, CIIS provides an excellent multifaceted education for people committed to transforming themselves, others, and the world.